Monday, May 2, 2011

What’s Going On In our Classroom? Weekly Update from Ms. Goldy 4/25-4/29


So sorry it took me a while to upload this. As many of you know, last Friday was my last day and I am so overwhelmed by all of the nice things said and done for me. I truly have loved being part of this class and already miss everybody SO much! It felt so unnatural to not be at John Eaton today.
I want to thank all of those parents who have supported me and referred to me throughout this semester—I have truly appreciated it. You all have such amazing children and I have loved being part of their lives for just a few months and I wish them all the best in the rest of the year! However, it is not goodbye—you will see me around! I am planning on chaperoning a few of the upcoming field trips and will be attending the end of the year party.
Last week was FILLED with fun things in (and out of) the CotiSweets classroom and I have A LOT of pictures to prove it! (Since it’s my last week I thought that I would not hold back on the amount of pictures, so you’re getting a ton!)
We just started a new Literature Circle unit! This unit’s theme is historical fiction. Each group is reading and discussing a fiction book based on a different historical period. As they read, there is a “historian” who will check some of the facts in the book and research other facts about the time period in order to guide the group’s reading and help them with their final projects.

In math (in our homeroom) we learned about tessellations! The kids came up with some great works of art as they tessellated a variety of polygons and shapes:

This week was filled with Argentine culture (above)! Upon Ms. Coti’s arrival back from Argentina, she brought us all kinds of treats, presents, letters from our pen-pals, and stories about our friends at the Argentine schools, and Argentine culture in general. Then on Wednesday, I taught the kids about soccer in Argentina and we designed our own jerseys!

Then came the field trips! On Thursday we visited Kenilworth Aquatic Center (pictures above), and despite the storms, we were able to visit the water and listen for frog calls as well as learn about various gadgets (notice the yellow one that Max is holding) that help them predict the weather! Then on Friday, we visited Glen Echo park (pictures below) where we went on beautiful nature hikes, learned about the local watershed, played a game, tested stream water, and even petted a frog!

On Friday there was a mini going away party for me, and I really appreciate the card and nice things that all of the students said (and the wonderful flowers/card from the parents!! Thanks so much!).
That’s it for now—thank you so much for reading the blog all of these weeks! Please keep in touch—I gave the kids my email address, but here it is again: OR -Ms. Goldy

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